Wednesday 6 May 2009


Age? 31
Sex? Female
What is your degree subject (both if joint)? Film Studies
Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking? Yes
If so, how? And if not, why not? It related well to film modules because bad behaviour is often dicussed in film.
Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? Appropriate
Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? Yes
Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? No
Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? OK
What did you think of the module team? GOOD
Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions? NO
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? NO
Information and talk from lecturers? YES THERE WAS LESS OF THIS IN SOME LESSONS
The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? Yes
Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? Yes
Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? Yes
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? Yes
Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2? Yes
Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend? Yes
Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? Yes
What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? No I enjoyed the assesments
What have you learned from the module? That people have flaws and bad behaviour is more widespread and sometimes funny, and its human nature to be naughty, but not evil.
What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? Bad Cinema, it shocked me and made me aware.
What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? Smoking was boring and needed more depth
Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?No

Comment 10

http:// Response to I Wish Philosophy Was Pink 'Alcohol'.

I agree with this blogger that there are many health problems due to alcohol consumption. There are also many alcohol induced road accidents each year. Dutch courage is something which can fool people into thinking they are invincible. However I do not agree that people think teenagers or anyone binge drinking is acceptable. I think we acknowledge that it is a problem however we are a free society and do not judge people.

Comment 8

http://http// Response to MANJU'S blog on being bad 'Bad Cinema'

I do not think this blogger understood the point of the film. It was a documentary and did not require the typical Hollywood ending. Sometimes unconventional teaching methods can be more productive. I do agree with one thing this blogger had to say that the film does borderline pedophilia

Comment 9

http:// Response to Becky's Blog 'Rude and Bad Mannered People'.

I agree with a lot of what this blogger has said about Rude people and she has done a lot of research to prove her points.However I do disagree that people such as Simon Cowel are rude to look bigger. He is often rude because he has to see that many people who are not talented show up and waste his time. That would give anyone a headache. When people are rude it means they are weak not strong because it means they have lost their cool and are behaving like a child. Losing control and manners is a weakness. Good points though.

Comment 7

http://http// Response to Being Bad blog on early sexualisation.

I definately agree that the introduction of early sex education is a catch 22 situation. However I do believe it depends on the relationship between parents and children. Those children who feel alienated by their parents are usually the ones who will engage in early sexual activity. If parents learnt to have a closer well balanced relationship with their children then the children will be less likely to be experimental at such a young age. However some children will still do so even with good parental bonds it is one of those things.

Comment 6

http:// Response to Sarah's Scribbles on Smokers

I agree with this blogger that people should not moan about smokers polluting the air because there are many other things polluting our air and damaging the environment. Besides smoking is a personal choice and has nothing to do with anyone else.

Comment 5

http://http// Response to Kate's Column 'Not so Goody'.

I can understand that this blogger was annoyed by Jade Goody's behaviour on Celebrity Big Brother. It was terrible however I do believe Shilpa Shetty was more intelligent and she new what she was doing. I also feel Channel 4 exploited Jade Goody. I don't think Jade was racist, the only reason why she had a problem with Shilpa was because Shilpa and Jade's mother Jackie did not get on. One has to consider that Jade's mother has learning difficulties. I think Jade's life is interesting not because she died from cervical cancer but because her father was on drugs and her mother had learning difficulties. As a result of this Jade suffered a lot of abuse and neglect as a child. Jade was the adult and her mother was the child in their relationship. Jade also made something of herself, even though her upbringing made her abusive towards her ex- husband Jeff.

Comment 4

http:// Blog By The worlds a stage and were all acting.

I agree with this bloggers comments. We as parents and adults are setting a bad example for the future generation. I think because society has become very free people tend not to care about what is right and wrong instead they do what is convenient for themselves at any given time. This impacts on children. Also there is a lot of self investing and not enough investing in children. I do agree because of the minority of parents who do not work with schools or who have not brought their child up in an appropriate manner teachers are left in difficult positions. Many teachers do have break downs. However I also believe that society always had problems the only difference is that now we talk more about it, we are also aware of it because of the media. Some would argue children were neglected much more before now. This also results in bad behaviour in children.

Comment 3

http:// Dole Dossers by Being Bad.

I disagree with the comments made by this blogger. The benefits system is a useful way of helping many people who need it. Not everyone behaves in the manner that this person has described. As for David Cameron I wouldn't ever trust those conservatives, there policies benefit the middle and upper classes, they damage the working classes whom are the ones that can do without having an even harder time. Some people may appear to be watching daytime TV but the reality is they may be suffering in silence as many people suffer from mental health or other illnesses which they do not want to admit or are simply unaware of. Some people lose their jobs and can not get into another one because of their age which would be 40 in our country.Another thing is that it is a fair system because I'm sure at some point those people have paid taxes and as for Hong Kong do you even really realize the culture of their government. I have Chinese friends who will be happy to inform you of the reality. I do agree however that helping put something back into the community can help to build the confidence of someone who has been out of work for some time. By the way I have worked in two different job centres and know what I am talking about. Maybe this blogger needs to rethink their ideas.

Comment 2

http:// This is Dave Fox's Blog On homophobia

I completely agree with this blog, people who think homosexuality is 'bad' behaviour are being bad themselves in the same way as someone sexist or racist would be. I also agree that homosexual football players should feel that they are allowed to reveal if they are gay. However sports such as football are male dominated and it is a real shame that they do not accept people for what they are. As long as they play well and don't hurt anyone then I don't understand why it is still taboo.

Comment 1

http:// This is Being Bad PH1000 On teenage pregnancy.

I do agree with a lot of what the blog suggests, more education for teenagers, more condoms handed out etc. However I disagree with the fact that the blogger thinks society has a problem with unmarried teenagers who get pregnant. I think if two 16 year olds got married society would be alarmed that such young children are making such a big decision. Another thing that I disagree with is if the grandparents pay for the new baby it is OK. Well having a teenage parent causes more problems than just finance. It takes a lot to raise a balanced child, and having the grandparents finance it only helps partly. What about when the teenage parent gets sick of looking after the child and realizes that he or she are still a child themselves?

Blog 26 Feminism

Time and time again I see women being judged more harshly than men. What makes it even worse is that women are often the ones who judge other women more harshly than men. So why do men receive this sort of favouritism ? The answer is simple we have all been conditioned to think and behave in this way. I think it is about time we began to change and challenge these notions of inequality. Power to the people. When a man misbehaves he is called a typical male, however of a woman should do the same then she is called 'bad'. I strongly disagree with this nonsense and think we should make serious changes in the way people think. Women are also paid a quarter less for doing the same job as men. Many women who go on maternity leave find that once they are back at work their employer finds a way to make their job vacancy disappear, so they find themselves unemployed. Attitudes must change and soon. Women make up a larger percentage of the work force than previously. I cant believe discrimination such as this still exists. By the way a feminist is not someone who hates men, I am a feminist and I don't hate men at all. A feminist is someone who believes that a women should have the same rights as men.Women should have social and political and economic equality. Yes I do believe some men are physically stronger than most women. There are Feminist men who believe that women should be treated as an equal to men.

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Blog 25 Dopy Americans!!

American people are very dopey my proof is that I have recently visited the country. One can even see it in their faces, and they are very out dated ( apart from those who live in LA). On American news channels all they talk about is when the next terrorist attack will take place. We have had a terrorist attack however we don't go on about it endlessly. Now I can understand why George.W.Bush was re elected and spent a second term in office. If you just look at how evil this mans eyes look, I mean don't the American people see these things. Thank god for Barack Obama now the American people can finally lift their heads up high.The news is also propagandist. Americans believe what ever they are told, its as though they don't have a mind of their own. America is a huge country and many communities live in isolation, that is why they are so narrow minded. The education system is not very good as they don't even teach Darwin's theory on evolution because it goes against Christianity. America is a very judgmental country and they are very focused on money. No wonder many countries hate the Americans its because they are so narrow minded. I know many people will not be as narrow minded as I am suggesting, however they do need to update themselves if they are to get anywhere. They also have a huge obesity problem because many people are below the poverty line and they can not afford to cook healthy meals, they eat addictive greasy take outs and they have huge portions. They appear to me like over eating narrow minded idiots. I don't see how America is a democratic country and they claim to be the greatest nation in the world. HAHAHA !! No offence to anyone who is American but this is my very honest opinion after visiting their country. I'm so pleased I'm British we have the best human rights and freedom and democracy are truly valued in our country.

Monday 4 May 2009

Blog 24 Stalking



Stalking has become much more wide spread than people realise. With the introduction of technology comes a higher chance of being stalked. Sites such as facebook and other social networking sites make people more accessible which means there is more opportunity for them to be stalked. In the future it will be possible to track someone by the signal on their mobile phone. George Orwell was correct in suggesting we will become a big brother society. Most stalking is done by men however there are some women stalkers out there. There is a mild form of stalking which would be if you have a crush on someone and you hang around in places where you know they will be. This form of stalking is harmless fun and I can see how some people must do it without even realising it's stalking.

Sunday 3 May 2009

Blog 23 drugs

We discussed LSD in the lecture which was a great lecture. Apparently the bad behaviour in the 1950s and the 1960s was when government officials tested LSD on solidiers and hospital patients. The hospital patients were unaware that they were being used as giny pigs which was very bad behaviour. LSD would make people have hallucinations and they would be laughing and jolly. This was very funny watching the soldiers at war who could walk properly because they had taken LSD.The lecturer was very funny and I think everyone enjoyed his teaching style and his enthusiasm. I think drugs should never have become illegal in the first instance. The reason for this is that illegal drugs trafficing etc has harmed a lot of innocent people and it has exploited many others because the dealers wanted to make money. Had such large amounts of money never been associated with drugs then drugs would not be so high profile. Legalising drugs now would cause a lot of harm for a while but eventually it could be a good thing in the very far future when people will have forgotten about the subject.

Saturday 2 May 2009

Blog 22 swearing

Swearing can be a form of relief and expression. Sometimes when people swear it feels good because they needed to let out some anger or be cheeky and rebellious. Swearing is a fast and effective way to communicate with others when we are usually angry or frustrated. Swearing is not a bad thing, as long as it is not done at work or in front of children. Sometimes people are to angry to speak a full sentence so they use a one worded swear to express themselves, and it does the job. However swearing to intimidate or humiliate someone is not a very good way to behave.According to research In America, 72 percent of men and 58 percent of women swear in public. The Americans are not exactly the brightest of people in the world no offence to anyone who may be American and reading this blog. So there is no surprise that such a high percentage of Americans swear(probably a lot).

Friday 1 May 2009

Blog 21 swine flu


I can see how this bad behaviour would be an advantage to the Mexicans. However risking peoples health to make a quick buck isn't my idea of tolerable behaviour.
Is it right for the Mexican government to continue life as normal without informing the world about the situation on swine flu ? They only broke the news when over a hundred people had died from the condition and many others were infected!! That is what we know of any way. They should have informed people much sooner and they should have closed the borders until the situation was cleared. Instead they allowed it to spread in the name of a free society. Really all they cared about was trade. How many other secrets do governments keep from it's people. I think it is disgusting how the authorities have dealt with the swine flu situation. Whats also bad is that in Mexico tourist attractions are still welcoming people saying it is safe, bars and clubs want people to continue coming in. The border from Mexico into the united states takes many thousands of people across daily, people who take three hours to cross the border by foot. People are still making this journey daily. Lots of people all in close proximity of each other, an ideal way to spread more infection. Research suggests that swine flu may come out much harder in the winter or it could possibly go away. Flu is very unpredictable and there have been cases of flu in the past for example 1957 which killed over two million people. However that was forty four years ago. I don't know why the Mexican people are wearing masks because those masks are not specifically designed to prevent infection or germs spreading. The Mexican government have a lot to answer for.

Thursday 30 April 2009

Blog 20 student sleeping in library



I can see how it would be tempting for a student to have a quick nap in the library, especially if none notices or complains.There is a student whom I see daily in the library who falls asleep at the computer. He snores and he sits in the same place daily. Once the library staff did come and wake him up. However when they left after five minutes he fell asleep again and began to snore. I had the unfortunate pleasure of sitting next to him which meant I could not concentrate. I started to make a lot of noise by banging my books on the desk, he did wake up eventually by the noise. Some students laughed at him but I was furious. What a lazy idiot and all he seems to do is play computer games and surf the net. He was also fat, not that I have anything against fat people but he was a lazy fat guy. WAKE UP AND STOP IRRITATING PEOPLE.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Blog 19 celebrities adopting

I can see why this bad behaviour would be tempting for celebrities as they live such fake lives that rescuing a needy child would bring joy to their lives.Adoption is a fantastic and rewarding thing to consider, however I do question the integrity of celebrities who adopt, especially those who are single parents. The reason for this is that research suggests celebrities live a full scheduled life style. They do not have much spare time on their hands, how then can the likes of Madonna Angelina Joli etc adopt more children. This is not fair on the children. Also wouldn't it be better to pay to run a care home for children or something like helping poor people to keep their children by providing finance. I think it is very selfish to take a child away from their own country and have nannies raise them just so that the celebrities can make themselves feel better.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Blog 18 animal testing

I can see how this bad behaviour would be cost effective and lab staff would think if the animals dont complain then it must be ok to keep them locked in small cages. After all they will be injured and hurt so what difference does this make. According to research the number of experiments involving live animals has halved in the last 30 years due to the: development of new research techniques for example, a technique that enables testing of new drugs for fever-causing agents using human blood cells instead of rabbits
introduction of rigorous standards stipulating that animal tests can’t be conducted when there is a validated alternative research technique.

I think it is important to test animals for research however I would like to see lab conditions improved, a lot of the time animals are crammed together in small cages and they are not considered to have feelings because they are used for research. Animal protesters have broken the law by stalking and threatening the lab staff. Some protesters have used violent methods and been arrested as a result of their actions.

Monday 27 April 2009

Blog 17 Stem cell research

Some would argue that stem cell research is morally incorrect and we should not be playing with nature or go against gods will. Religion does hugely oppose of stem cell research. Many religious groups will protest it, that is why George Bush the former president of the USA did not allow it to go ahead in the States. Barack Obama however has given the go ahead. Barack Obama is also a devout christian however he understands the importance of the research and how it will help change lives. So what does stem cell research do exactly, since stem cells have the ability to differentiate into any type of cell, they offer something in the development of medical treatments for a wide range of conditions. Treatments that have been proposed include treatment for physical trauma, degenerative conditions, and genetic diseases.

Thursday 23 April 2009

Blog 16 wearing animal fur

According to research wearing animal fur is cruelty because animals need their fur to stay warm and it is very selfish for humans to take that away from an innocent animal just for reasons of vanity. The animals are skinned in an inhumane way and mistreated by those making a fortune selling their fur. People do not need animal fur to stay warm therefore it is immoral to do so. Fake fur can look just as nice only it's guilt free as you have not taken away the warmth and dignity of a helpless animal.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Blog 15 cloning

It is a disturbing thought to think aborted babies are used for cloning research, I'm not sure this is morally correct because it could be done with adult tissue, adults who could give their consent to such things in a similar way as the Donner card. Research suggests supporters of the research believe it is necessary to find ways of regenerating tissues such as nerves, muscle and cartilage to treat the elderly and disabled. But anti-abortion campaigners believe equally effective treatments could be developed using adult cells. Are we entering territory which we don't fully understand, may we later regret this research, will someone somewhere one day develop a clone human with devastating consequences.

Thursday 16 April 2009

Blog 14 anorexia


I can see how tempting it is for someone to become a size double zero because of all the attention it brings. After all it is up to an individual what they do with their own body and how they live. Evidence suggests that the sooner that anorexia nervosa is identified and treated, the better the long-term outcome for the patient. However, the condition can be difficult to diagnose and treat because it is often associated with very complex emotional needs and often it takes a lot to make the person admit that they are anorexic. With the information provided today and the amount of criticism size zero models receive anyone who is above the age of 18 deciding to become an anorexic is being very bad. Everyone is well aware how unhealthy anorexic people are, there is no excuse for it. Today it is also a condition which young men are beginning to suffer from. We live in a materialistic society, we need to make changes.

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Blog 13 video games


Video games are a great pass time, they are highly entertaining and have the benefit of being interactive. This bad behaviour is greatly appreciated by those who may need to let off steam and enjoy killing zombies pretending the zombies are a boss or ex partner etc.Research suggests that long hours spent playing video games can be damaging to an individuals health. The simple reson for this is that they are adictive and some people do not communicate with anyone for hours whilst playing video games. Also some teenagers can forget to eat etc and play games for over twelve hours which is very unhealthy. One has to think of the effect on the brain when one is spending all those hours killing zombies. Recently studies have been done to suggest that reading fiction is very healthy for the brain, it has the opposite effect of playing computer games which can cause depression. Reading can help people to over come depression and to heal the brain. When we read our brain has to function on many levels so it is multi tasking. This helps our imagination grow and our brain develops in ways which we can not even imagine.

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Blog 12 Bullying

Bullying in general is attractive because people may think it is better to be the bully rather than be bullied themselves. It is easier to pick on someone who shows a difference and make a whole group bully that individual. Some bullies have been bullied themselves and need to bully others to let off some steam. According to research Bullying is the main reason that disabled children move from inclusive schooling to special schools, according to an ESRC-funded study at the University of Edinburgh. It also highlights the fact that many of the problems encountered by disabled children are the result of social barriers rather than their disability. Bullying often takes place because the bully has either been bullied at home by family. Or they are different to the person they are bullying. Differences usually creates barriers for people due to a lack of understanding or even fear because of the difference. Children can often be nasty because they do not understand that there are differences in the world and we just have to learn to accept them.

Monday 13 April 2009

Blog 11 spitting!! yuk

Some people do enjoy spitting especially teenagers because it shows rebellion and they think they look hard in front of their mates. Some people spit as a sign of disrespect which makes them feel bad and cool at the same time.
Spitting fetishism is the name used to describe a fetishistic attraction to spitting. How awful is this, are people mad that they find it a pleasurable experience to spit. It is revolting. I personally think people with any type of fetishism have not developed in the same fashion as the rest of the population. Sexual fetishism, first described as such by FREUD . It is a form of paraphilia where the object of affection is a specific inanimate object or part of a person's body. This certainly is not the sort of thing a person in their right mind would be doing. The term arose from fetishism, the general concept of an object having supernatural powers, or an object created by humans that has power over other humans. This itself it very pathetic and I think people should seek some sort of therapy who have a fetishism for anything.

Thursday 9 April 2009

Blog 10 Bas Cinema KID'S (1995)

Kid's (1995) is an interesting and wild film. Many different types of people will have many different opinions on this film. I however think it was an eye opener and the messages that teenagers will take away after watching it can only be a good thing. It leaves people thinking about certain issues in our society. For example is there a percentage of the teenage population that does behave in this dangerous manner? If so then where did we as a society go wrong? Could it be that this film is looking at child poverty and the behaviour that comes as a result of this ? I think so, where are the parents in this film ? Could this film also be highlighting the lack of good role models for teenagers and a lack of parental control. The film also looks at ignorance and a lack of prospects for the teenagers it was representing. Believe it or not most of the characters in this film have played themselves, they were not professional actors. They were a bunch of skate boarders who played around in central park New York!! They were also very good friends with the script writer, hence why this film was made. Some would argue that Larry Clark the director spends too much time with children. There was border line paedophilia in some scenes which was a cause for concern. The first film by photographer Larry Clark, revealed that American teenagers were taking drugs, committing crime and having unprotected sex - a possibility that, judging by the film's instant notoriety, no one had previously considered. Clark's new film, Bully, takes those activities for granted, as its young protagonists graduate to higher stakes - prostitution, porn and murder. Kids was described by one critic as "a wake-up call for America" - a phrase used in its marketing, conveniently allaying any suspicion that the film was sensationalistic or exploitative. Bully is described in its press kit in similar terms

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Blog 9 Lying

Lying can be interesting bad behaviour because there are many advantages and things to gain, as long as your a good liar. I think many people do lie to gain power or seem more interesting to other people. After all real life and truth are not that interesting.
In the lecture it was explained how politicians and business people were more inclined to be dishonest because of the nature of their work. It would be naive for these people to be completely honest and upfront as the competitor may have an advantage to the more honest business person or Gordon Brown of a country. For example Gordon Brown may not wish to declare the truth about his country because this could be detrimental for that country. Lying can be a neccessary means of defence.

Psychologists have studied deception from all sides and have found that it usually puts a psychological or physical strain on the person lying. According to research People with guilty knowledge — of a detail from a crime scene, for example — tend to show signs of stress, as measured by heart and skin sensors, under pointed questioning.
Trying to hold onto a secret is mentally exhausting, studies have found. When telling outright lies, people tend to look and sound tenser than usual.
“Specifically, people are especially more tense when lying, compared to telling the truth, when they are highly motivated to get away with their lies and when they are lying about a transgression,” said Bella DePaulo, a visiting professor of psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Blog 8 Tattoos

Tattoos are cool and hip, many people enjoy this bad behaviour because they use it as an accessory. It does take confidence to get a tattoo.
Academic researcher Anne Velliquette observes, "Today's social climate welcomes body art to an extent that no other period in modern history can rival." She maintains that tattoos can provide meaning to persons bewildered by the fragmentation and chaos of postmodern society:
Your body is the one thing you have ultimate control over. Tattoos are a way of committing to something permanent and stable, of recording who and what you are right now. . . . The traditional stereotype is gone.

Recording who and what you are NOW!! So what about when people grow and change ? Is it really a good idea to get a permanent Tattoo, what ever ones thoughts and feelings may well be at any given time, they do not remain the same!! This is an important point to consider. By the way just because all those narcissistic celebrities get them all over their ridiculous bodies does that really mean we should follow suit. Just because some fame hungry idiot has decided to show off should that be reason enough to follow. However it is more acceptable and those people who do have tattoos are not seen as an outcast as they once were. If people want to go to a safe place and get a tattoo then that is their right, however be warned that removing a tattoo can be expensive and painful, even more painful than getting it done in the first place.

Monday 6 April 2009

Blog 7 Binge Drinking.

Drinking is a drug because it changes hormones and mood. Some people drink to gain dutch courage and lose their inhibitions. Others drink socially and some drink to survive life's struggles.
According to research the term 'binge-drinking' has, in recent years, come to replace earlier epithets such as 'lager louts' in terms of alcohol-related antisocial behaviour. Binge Drinking has been around as long as alcohol has been around. Many people blame youth culture today for this anti social behaviour and treat it as if it has never happened before, which is clearly ridiculous.The patterns of behaviour that fall within the loose boundaries of binge-drinking also have a long ancestry in Britain. One only has to read The Pub and the People, written by Tom Harrison and his Mass Observation colleagues in the late 1930s, to be reminded of this. He refers us, for example, to the annual report of the Work town (Bolton) Temperance Society annual report of 1854 which commented: "That drunkenness is painfully prevalent in the Borough a thousand facts bear most painful testimony. Men and women staggering along the public streets, fights brawls of the most barbarous character". Why do people Binge Drink, well many people don't actually understand how much alcohol would be regarded as Bing Drinking. It is actually a very small amount, according to health professionals a few glasses a few times a week can be seen as Bing Drinking!! One has to ask the question should it be up to the individual how much they drink or should we allow the government to control our every move? I don't drink myself so I cant comment from a personnel point of view. I think if people are not harming anyone or drink driving then why should they be told what amount is considered right ?

Sunday 5 April 2009

Blog 6 bandits how stupid are you guys!!

This behaviour takes a real hard core rebellion who has not conformed to societys norms. Being a bandit makes people feel powerfull because they can have what ever they want. They dont have to ask anyone or wait to save up they just take as they please. Many people also look up to bandits which is another advantage.To catch a criminal, research published by the Home Office showed, officers need look no further than cars parked illegally in disabled bays. One would think this report is nonsence, however if one really considers it then it makes sence. If people are Bandits then they would never obide by other rules, this is actually an excellent way to catch them. The research, which was based on information provided by traffic wardens in Huddersfield and published by the Home Office, does suggest what I have said. According to this report one in five owners who parked in disabled bays over a six-month period were of immediate interest to police. Bandits it would seem are not as crafty as they would like us to believe.One in three owners had a criminal record, half had a history of traffic violation and one in five of the cars caught were known or suspected to have been previously used in crime. Criminologists from Huddersfield University, who produced the study, say it also holds out new hope to beleaguered traffic wardens who have a role playing in beating crime rather than just dealing with motorists on the pavement. I do think many Bandits are intelligent people who did not fit into the education system or society as a whole. Nobody is born evil and nobody dreams of being a bandit unless they have had very bad role models.
In the lecture we were given examples of Robin Hood, which has been glorified because breaking the law is still breaking the law, turning these people into hero's is ridiculouse.

Saturday 4 April 2009

Blog 5 Smaking children should it be allowed ?

Smacking children is done because the parent is tired and cant always be loving towards the child because raising children can be a challenge at the best of times. It is instant gratification to hit a child and stop the behaviour they are displaying immediately. It takes effort to sit down and explain to a child.Research suggests that most children see smacking as any other kind of hitting and have negative feelings about their parents after being physically disciplined, according to a new report. This is something I entirely believe is true. When parents smack their children the children do not understand that they have misbehaved. Instead I believe children interpret that smacking as my parents don't love me and that is why I am being hit. Research by Save the Children and the National Children's Bureau found that children understood they had to be told off if they misbehaved, but researchers suggested alternative punishments such as going without pocket money or being sent to their bedrooms might be more effective. How can we possibly expect children who do not have the mental or emotional capacity of an adult to understand being hit by the people who are supposed to love and nurture them. Another thing is that how would adults feel if they were hit by someone whom they love for example by their own parent or a partner, in the name of I'm trying to teach you. How would an adult feel if a giant came up to them and hit them ? especially in front of other people which is what some ignorant parents can do. Childhood is about learning the ways of the world and trying to develop ourselves, how can children possibly do this by being hit. Before you hit a child ask yourself why did you want children in the first instance!!
Report author Carolyn Willow: "We need to take children's views seriously"The report concluded: "The children's opinions have confirmed the belief of Save the Children and NCB that smacking does not work and that the best and safest way forward is to ban all forms of physical punishment and encourage alternative ways of disciplining children." Learn to love and nourish children with positive self fulfilling prophecy. Parents are often the first culprits to label children due to their ignorance, and then we wonder why we are failing as a civilised society.

Friday 3 April 2009

Blog 4 MPS' Should they have expenses on top of salary

Of course it is gratifying to claim any expenses who wouldn't if they had the opportunity, that is why this is great. Have whatever we want as long as there is a rule some where which suggests it is acceptable. Not much difference to being a bandit only this one is legal!!
According to research on average MPS' have claimed just under 93million pounds per Annam. Including travel expenses which are about £144,176, according to the latest data for 2007-2008. Is this disgusting when there is a recession? And is this right when we have child poverty in Britain and homeless people?
MPS' Claiming expenses form tax payers money, second homes which they do not really live in, purchasing pornographic videos etc. Some have argued that MP'S do not get paid as much as they should therefore the expenses simply cover that cost. If MPS' are not being paid enough then why is that. I can only assume because they want to sneak it in without the general public finding out how much they actually get. If we took away their extra expenses and added more money to their actual salary, there would be uproar because of the amount it would work out to. There are so many children living in poverty in Britain today and the NHS as well as Social services are under staffed because of budgets. So why then should MPS' get paid so much ? The answer is that they clearly should not. We are not a nation that look after the poor and vulnerable, we just like to claim that we are!! Derek Conway, the Tory MP who stands accused of abusing the expenses system by over-paying his two sons for research work, has had the party whip withdrawn from him by David Cameron.

Thursday 2 April 2009

Blog 3 Infidelity

Infidelity has empowered women because women can gain much more by committing this crime which men are not penalised as much as women for. If a man commits adultery he is called a stud or typical male. However if a women does the same she is a slut or a bad person. Notice the difference. Therefore all you women out there, take control of your life and enjoy passion without feeling guilty because men will if they were given half the chance.
People are curious and who wouldn't want some new attention. When this situation arises who wouldn't dream about going for it. Some would argue that we are not meant to be with one person for the rest of our lives, after all we are not in one job for life are we ? There is no greater pleasure than lust and some people love the adrenaline rush of am I going to get away with it. This adds to the whole experience of infidelity.
ScienceDaily (Sep. 13, 2008) — The probability of someone cheating during the course of a relationship varies between 40 and 76 percent. "It's very high," says Geneviève Beaulieu-Pelletier, PhD student at the Université de Montréal's Department of Psychology.According to psychologists, people with avoidant attachment styles are individuals uncomfortable with intimacy and are therefore more likely to multiply sexual encounters and cheat. But this has never been proved scientifically, which is what Beaulieu-Pelletier attempted to do in a series of four studies.

I think having the ability to indulge in an affair so easily by clicking on a few buttons is completely immoral. For the simple reason that people take advantage and go behind their partners backs. However their are exceptional circumstances for example if a partner does not enjoy sex and allows the other partner to be physically with another person. However even then it is debatable as to why two people are in a relationship where one partners needs are so different from the others. If people are not having sex then they are just friends and I don't think they should remain in a relationship because it is clearly over. In the modern age that we are in I think relationships can sometimes run out of a sell by date for some people. We live in a disposable society and people have lost a lot of morals in the process of modern living. However some women can not tolerate being physical with a partner after child birth, but these symptoms are few and far between. Some people are also in a relationship which does not satisfy them for whatever reason and they need an affair. The reason why they indulge in an affair could be to protect their children from getting hurt. There are some people who have an affair rather than splitting up due to the fact that they do not want to lose out financially by getting a divorce, hence they commit adultery.

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Blog 2 Smoking. Health hazard or leisure and freedom

Why shouldn't people enjoy a pleasure as simple and sexy as smoking, it is a free country after all. Who cares if other people don't like it, some people think its cool others think it is sexy.

Smoking and Lung cancer some of the facts from research:

According to research Lung cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in the UK. Each year more than 38,000 people are diagnosed with lung cancer in the UK. This is a real cause for concern. After prostate cancer, lung cancer is the second most common form of cancer in males. In Females it is the third most common cancer after breast and bowel cancer. More than 8 in 10 lung cancer cases occur in people aged 60 and over. According to the World Health Organization, smoking kills more people than any disease in the world. I think that those people whom smoke more than twenty cigarettes may be at risk. However I have been a smoker for over six years now. I must admit I only smoke ten a week. I can also go months without any cigarettes. I do agree that passive smoking is unfair and especially around children. I also believe that parents who smoke infront of their children can set a bad example. However some children dislike their parents smoking and after seeing them smoke they oppose it.