Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Blog 12 Bullying

Bullying in general is attractive because people may think it is better to be the bully rather than be bullied themselves. It is easier to pick on someone who shows a difference and make a whole group bully that individual. Some bullies have been bullied themselves and need to bully others to let off some steam. According to research Bullying is the main reason that disabled children move from inclusive schooling to special schools, according to an ESRC-funded study at the University of Edinburgh. It also highlights the fact that many of the problems encountered by disabled children are the result of social barriers rather than their disability. Bullying often takes place because the bully has either been bullied at home by family. Or they are different to the person they are bullying. Differences usually creates barriers for people due to a lack of understanding or even fear because of the difference. Children can often be nasty because they do not understand that there are differences in the world and we just have to learn to accept them.

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