Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Comment 3

http:// Dole Dossers by Being Bad.

I disagree with the comments made by this blogger. The benefits system is a useful way of helping many people who need it. Not everyone behaves in the manner that this person has described. As for David Cameron I wouldn't ever trust those conservatives, there policies benefit the middle and upper classes, they damage the working classes whom are the ones that can do without having an even harder time. Some people may appear to be watching daytime TV but the reality is they may be suffering in silence as many people suffer from mental health or other illnesses which they do not want to admit or are simply unaware of. Some people lose their jobs and can not get into another one because of their age which would be 40 in our country.Another thing is that it is a fair system because I'm sure at some point those people have paid taxes and as for Hong Kong do you even really realize the culture of their government. I have Chinese friends who will be happy to inform you of the reality. I do agree however that helping put something back into the community can help to build the confidence of someone who has been out of work for some time. By the way I have worked in two different job centres and know what I am talking about. Maybe this blogger needs to rethink their ideas.

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